Bullitt East Hurt By ‘Secure’ WiFi

The schools WiFi is going out on a students chromebook. The school’s WiFi has been cutting in and out during the first four weeks of school.“I’m sure the WiFi will get better, AT&T and the school board need to get on the problem, and I believe that it will then be better,” said sophomore Joshua Habka.
We are losing connection with the teachers lessons.
The school’s WiFi has been cutting in and out for the past two weeks, affecting everyone involved.
The school’s WiFi stopped working because of a problem in the system. When the wifi goes down, it affects teachers’ lesson plans. It has been annoying students as well as preventing them from doing their work. Therefore, pushing it off to the next day.
The reason of the school WiFi, earlier in the day, shutting down, and coming back to life is because of an issue with AT&T and the school board. “I think they’re trying to expand the bandwidth at our schools, for testing purposes. Also, I think they’re trying to get all that done right now before we start our testing window in the spring,” said Principal Chris Mason. He does believe that the schools WiFi will be probably fixed around fall break, because he believes “maybe we’re on the upswing right now.”
The schools WiFi going down has affected Mason, and many others. “It’s always tough when the internet goes down because almost everything we do is connected to the internet these days. It’s sometimes really a blessing, because it helps me get out of this office,” said Mason, “It’s frustrating, it’s challenging, but I think our teachers are so flexible, they can overcome just about anything to make things happen in our classroom.” He does believe that the teachers have powered through though, and have gotten what they needed done.
The schools WiFi affected teachers’ lesson plans. “I would just plan differently, like I would make a backup lesson. Knowing that it’s been going out, I’ve had a couple of other ideas in the back of my mind. About the same amount of work,” said science teacher Aileen O’Brien, “Mr. Huether and I, we do a lot of the same things, and we use a slideshow every day. He has a really nice white board, so he can write on it when he doesn’t have WiFi. Although, Mrs. Harratts, one of the other chemistry teachers, really just has a smart board. So, I think she has the same frustration as I do, because she can’t even write on the board without the internet.”
It changes what grades they put in, it changes the amount of work that is put on them, and when and how much homework they have to give their students. You could think the students enjoy getting lessons switched. “They (students) also don’t want to be bored in class, even if they say they don’t want to do anything, I know they would rather their teacher have a plan,” said O’Brien.
Sophomore Joshua Habka has had his work moved to different days, which changes what was planned for everyone involved. “My English teacher had to change the lesson plan and schedule on the fly, and that made it where her grading schedule had to change,” said Habka. He has not been affected by it too much, he has been able to get all his work done, but some students are having more of a difficult time.
“I’ve been able to get my work finished in my classes, because all it is, is we just flip the schedule around, and then we’re good,” said Habka. “Although, for one of my peers, they received extra homework, because of this problem.” Habka, along with his peers, believe that “the school’s WiFi will never be perfect. There will always be some sort of issue because of all the people using it.” Although, many believe that when AT&T and the school board get this fixed, then we could also get the lessons, the schedule, and our mentality fixed.