The student news site of Bullitt East High School.


The student news site of Bullitt East High School.


The student news site of Bullitt East High School.



The Bullitt East Livewire is a newsmagazine with the mission of informing through our use of student voice. We believe journalism is storytelling to shape the understanding of our viewers, get people thinking, and form their own opinions. Each story you find on our page is passionately covered by a member of our staff. As we enter the 2023-2024 school year, we can’t wait to see what we cover, and what stories present themselves to us.

Livewire was re-founded in 2001 by journalism teacher, Larry Steinmetz. In the past, Livewire has been a weekly newspaper, but moved to a newsmagazine and website in 2011. To this current 2023-2024 school year, the staff remains committed to bringing the Bullitt East community the most up-to-date news in a quality format and timely manner.

The staff appreciates your patronage and, as a public forum, encourages any feedback you care to offer. Letters to the editor must be typed and submitted via e-mail, to Mr. Steinmetz’s mailbox, or directly to room 606 within one week of the publication to which you are responding. Letters will not be censored but must be deemed appropriate by the editor and advisor in order to be published. In order to be eligible to appear in the paper, all letters must be signed and verifiable. Names can be withheld upon request, but must be submitted with the original letter.

Livewire is published by the students and for the students of Bullitt East High School, E-mailing Mr. Steinmetz directly is the best way to reach the staff. His address is [email protected]. The Livewire is printed by Aprintis.