Anti-Bullying Video Rocks Social Media


This GoFundMe account was created claiming to “help” Keaton Jones.

Morgan Harbolt, Staff Writer

Everyone just wants to feel like they belong.

Keaton Jones is a kid from Knoxville, Tennessee whose message about bullying went viral on social media.

Jones rose to fame when his mother posted the video. Stars and athletes have reached out to the young kid who was so upset from some bullies at school. However, rumors are swarming social media that Jones’s mom might not have the best intentions.

Kimberly Jones is Jones’s mother who posted the video to her facebook page after she had picked him up from school because he was too scared to go to lunch. Jone’s said the kids at school have poured milk in his hair and food on his clothes because he is different.

In the video Jones is hysterical about the bullying and just wants to know why kids are bullies. “It broke my heart that the little boy was in that pain,” said freshman Abigail Carlisle.

Various stars and athletes have reached out to Jones through social media and show their support for anti-bullying. Freshman Will Blanford said, “I thought it was pretty dope, because you don’t see that every day.”

Not everyone is loving this story and what is coming out of it though.

It’s rumored that Kimberly Jones may not have the morals she says she does. Controversy on social media has shown that she may be using her son’s fame for hidden motives. On top of that social media users were claiming that Jone’s was a bully himself at school and that’s why he was being picked on. Conversations between stars show where Jones’s mom talked about “using this for an opportunity” and “what happened to us whites sticking together.” Rumors said that Jones’s mom just wanted money out of it and that’s why she created a gofundme account.

On the other side of that, the media is saying how the gofundme account was fake and created by someone else who is not apart of the Jones’s family. “It changed my mind how I felt about it for a second because I didn’t know what to believe,” said Blanford.

The Jones’s family denies all accusations of racism and “just wanting money.” They say they just wanted to show how bullying really affects a child.