Going to the Capitol for Class

Zach Combest

Senior Zach Combest, State Rep. Tipton and financial literacy teacher Amanda Comstock at the Capital.

Ethan Neutz, Staff Writer

Everyone needs financial Lit(erally).

Financial literacy teacher, Amanda Comstock and one of her students, senior Zach Combest went to Frankfort, Kentucky in support of making financial literacy a required class for every high school in the state.

Financial literacy is a class that has been offered at East for several years and now hopes to become a common class. Financial literacy is a class that teaches everyday skills to help with financial situations. The class is also said to be able to make people more successful.

The main goal of the class is to be informed and prepared to be effective managers of financial resources, enabling them to achieve long- and short-term financial goals and security.

“You’ll learn skills in this class that you’ll use through high school, college and beyond,” said Combest. Some of the skills you will learn are how to do taxes and balance a checkbook added Combest. Once you learn these skills you will be able to use them in your everyday life especially if you have a job and are able to perform these tasks easily.

“The biggest lesson I have learned from the class is to never take out student loans, you should always go for scholarships because there are tons of them out there,” said Combest. Through the class, he learned that for most people it takes 10 or more years to fully pay them off.

“In the years that the class has been offered at Bullitt East, Comstock said, “I have had many students come back to me saying that they use what they learned in my class in their lives.” Along with the basic financing skills the class also provides decision-making skills and can help you choose a career for you.

The group’s campaign of sorts has caught the attention of financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Ramsey’s strategies and coursework are taught in Comstock’s class and financial literacy classes around the state. Ramsey called WLKY News to cover the story and to feature Combest and Comstock’s testimony at the Capital.

The bill is now passed onto the Senate and if it passes it will go to Governor Matt Bevins desk to be signed into law. Whether it’s balancing your checkbook or financing your future, financial literacy will sure come in handy.