The Band Earns Distinguished Ratings at Recent Performance


Wind ensemble member Patience Robinson poses with her clarinet.

Lilly Whitley, Copy editor

The band was charged up for distinguished ratings.

On Saturday, March 10, the band performed at the KMEA Fifth District Assessment.

The band did an outstanding job performing over the weekend. They will be advancing to the state competition in May. Band members worked very hard to achieve this accomplishment.

The concert band and wind ensemble both performed at North Oldham High School. Both bands were scored all ones or distinguished which was a big achievement. “They rocked the house and were the best ones there. They scored straight ones and qualified for the state competition,” said assistant marching band director, Brandon Johnson.

As far as scoring goes, receiving all ones is a big deal because it’s the best you can get. At this competition, there were three judges that critiqued both bands. “Each judge gives a rating from one which is distinguished down to three which is a novice or proficient. If you get straight ones across the board, you qualify to go to the state concert festival and that’s a big honor,” said Johnson.

Like with anything, winning takes lots of hard work and determination. Band members have worked hard for this achievement for several months. “We’ve been working on these pieces for a very long time, some longer than others. The wind ensemble has been working on one of the pieces we played since the beginning of the year,” said senior band member, Kelsey Richardson.

The band will keep practicing, but not much will change before state. “We probably won’t change anything for state but we might change some of the pieces or add a piece,” said Richardson. The state competition will take place in May at the University of Louisville.