Learning From Your Peers

Savanah Hagan, Staff Writer

Student is being helped by a Spanish tutor.
Student is being helped by a Spanish tutor.

This quote could work for both students and tutors. If the student doesn’t care enough to get tutored then their work isn’t going to get better. If the tutor doesn’t care enough to teach then the work still isn’t going to get better.

Everyone knows that sometimes we don’t understand our teacher or what we’re learning for that matter. Has anybody tried to explain something to you and you didn’t get it until somebody else put it into a different perspective. Tutors care and can make your life easier.

First of all, everyone has heard of Homework Help Center, but I bet you don’t know much about it. It is a pretty relaxed program. Traci Burke, assistant principal, said, “Homework Help Center runs as a pretty flexible environment. Students com that need help. Tutors help when needed. Students get done what they can on the they have.” That being said it isn’t a place to flirt with the tutors and just get the answers. Burke said, “Ms. Shockey, instructional assistant, helps monitor the center.”

Next, students may be wondering how you become a tutor or who they are. Burke said, “If you want to become a tutor simply ask me. I do have a brief sheet that I have them fill out where they get a few teachers to recommend that they are capable of tutoring. Also the FEA (Future Educators of America) club is using tutoring as a mandatory service project.”

Jami Willis one of the leaders of FEA said, “Working with Homework Help Center means one on one help with your peers.” I see this as an opportunity to become a tutor or to be tutored. Former french and math tutor Sydney White said, “I help the people who didn’t pay attention, sometimes I would have to re- teach the student.” White said, “Kind of, some just want you to do he work for them.” You may think that it’s hard enough to do your own school work, let alone someone else’s.White said, “Just set certain times, stay an hour after school and when I have to go I have to go.” You can help out when you’re needed and then set times with the student.

To set things straight I’m not saying that tutoring is easy or for everyone. I just know that a lot of have free time and all of us have trouble. I’m just saying we should be more grateful for what tutors at Bullitt East do for the school and us.