Senior Hibernation 11.11.14

Maggie Wisdom, Staff Writer

Bullitt East will be hosting the first Senior Hibernation. This will be a lock-in for seniors in which they are allowed to bring one underclassmen who attends Bullitt East. The event will mainly be held in the school gym, lobby, and library. The tickets are $7 dollars per person, which includes movies, games, and Chick-fil-A. All proceeds will be gifted to anonymous Chargers in need at East. The National Honors Society will be supporting the event on Tuesday, November 25th.

Senior Brooke Collins is a big part of this event. She set it up and got it into action. “It’s crazy how we don’t even know sometimes what someone you walk by in the hallway is going through. I figure while you’re standing, help someone who has fallen. I felt very passionate about the cause and went directly to the leaders since I was in National Honors Society already. They gave me an okay, and as soon as it was passed by Mr. Foster everything was a go.”