Continuing The Season With Success

The boys tennis team has been working to improve this season. They have been winning the majority of their matches. “I definitely can make it to number two,” Junior Blake Thurman said about state championships.

Caroline Williams, Jr. Design Editor

Breaking into victories. 

This season has been successful so far for the boys tennis team. 

The team started their season last month against Bullitt Central, with the match taking place on their home court. They won this match, and less than week later, won another at Moore High School. 

Most players think their season has been going fairly well so far, with the team focusing on improving their skills both on and off of the court. “I think we need to improve on communication and strategy. For our whole three years that we have been playing, we haven’t really had any communication,” senior Tate Phelps said. His biggest hope this season is that him and his fellow teammate, senior Josh Guy, make it to state championships. 

Other members of the team have had to improve in different areas in preparation for this season. Senior Connor Mitchell had to work on using his left hand in the sport after experiencing an injury. “I had to work a lot on my left hand because I got into a car accident. I had to play with my left a little bit, so that helped me with my backhand more,” Mitchell said. 

In general, the team has had a positive outlook on the future of the season. Junior Blake Thurman has considered the matches to be relatively easy for him so far. “Our top three players are definitely doing well. We’re not playing any harder players. The top two single players right now are more advanced,” Thurman said. He hopes to build his teamwork skills for the rest of this season. 

Coach Dustin Armstrong thinks the season has been going well as of now, despite their surprising early loss to Shelby County. In addition to some of the longtime players on the team, some new people have joined this season also. Armstrong has been mainly working on the fundamentals of the sport with these newer team members. “If the players get good enough, they’ll go to indoor clubs or other facilities. I give lessons and other things and just do what I normally do,” Armstrong said. He believes some of the newer players that have previous experience with other sports have an advantage. “Being an athlete, that transition to learning a new sport really helps because some things with tennis can relate to other sports,” Armstrong said. 

The next tennis match takes place on April 15 at Male.