How to Overcome Procrastination during Corona

Jenna Tipton, Staff Writer

Due dates seem to come sooner than later.

Since we have been sent home, there have been more distractions making it difficult to get work done.

Procrastination is something we all experience at some time in our life one way or another. For some, it happens more often than others. There are many steps you can take to try to avoid procrastination in the future.

Reward Yourself More Early on 

Rewards would help you get motivated to do your work. For example, a reward could be that you get more time to do an activity you enjoy. You tend to want to get things done quicker when you know you get to do something you enjoy after.

Make the Consequences More Immediate 

Though you think putting an assignment off for a later day instead of getting it done is never a good idea. But the longer you wait the more you procrastinate about it and put it off. So giving consequences for this action will now make you want to do the work more than face whatever consequence that you decide on.

Start a Routine 

Have a plan of action. For when you sit down you need to know what the things that need to be done at that moment or are due that day. Another suggestion is you should do the work you dislike the most first and then the work you like. So that you look forward to completing the more boring task. You should do this every day so it becomes a routine and you no longer feel the need to put things off.

“Ivy Lee Method”

This Method has Five-steps, It’s effective because it’s a basic step-by-step method to organize and plan your work ahead of time.

  • First, write down six important things you need to accomplish by tomorrow.
  • Then Prioritize these six steps from least to most important
  • Focus on each task until it is done then move to the next
  • Move on with the rest of your day to finish these task if you don’t finish then move that task to the new list for the next day
  • Repeat the process every working day

Time Management 

Set a timer on your phone for when you need to work and when you need to relax. For example, work for 20 minutes and rest for 5 minutes in between. So that you don’t stress yourself out or get bored. Make sure to have more work time than relax time so you actually finish what you started.