Over the Net
Junior Caroline Harbolt serves during the game at Fern Creek. The team has come a long way since the first game, and they are focusing on their individual strengths. “I think we’ve come really far, we’ve connected as a team, we’ve figured each other out, we play better with each other,” Cissell said. Photo Credits: Bryce Elder
They’re still standing, better than they ever did.
The Lady Chargers have had another successful week as they move on in their season.
The varsity girls played only two games this week, succeeding in both against Shelby County and Fern Creek. The final score of the Shelby Co. game was 3-0 East and the final score of the Fern Creek game was 2-0 East.
“I think we started out really strong. It was probably the strongest we started out. But I think we’ve come really far, we’ve connected as a team we figured each other out. We play better with each other, we’ve really grown a lot and a lot of different aspects like on and off the court,” varsity hitter Katherine Cissell said. Cissell has been on the BE team since her freshman year, and recognizing a strong group early in the season means good things for the volleyball team.
All eyes were on East’s side of the court, with players like Kayla Woodham, Breanna Hess, Emma Brogan, and Cissell having a good night last Wednesday. The Shelby County game started off strong, BE leading by three points right off the bat, and keeping the lead until the end of the first round which ended 25-18 East. The second set didn’t come as easy as the first, with Shelby Co. leading 5-3 in the beginning. However, the lady chargers made a comeback with helpful hits from Hess and Woodham which gave them the lead by the end of the second set. The final set had everyone on the edge of their seats when all the team needed was one win to complete the game. East took the lead and won the set once more. “That one was kind of a blowout. Honestly, there wasn’t really a whole lot of competition. But they had another good middle blocker, so I think that it was really fun to be able to play against her and kind of face off in a little prove yourself battle,” Cissell said. The block game against Shelby was strong, and the girls won 25-18 East.
On Friday, the team played Fern Creek. At first, the odds weren’t in the girls’ favor. In set one, Fern Creek carried a lead of 5-4, until the chargers took it back at 10-5 East. East held onto the lead until the end of the match, the final score being 25-12 East. Set 2 was a fresh start, with the girls taking the lead in the beginning 3-0 East, and keeping the game all the way until the end with a 19-point lead. The set ended 25-6 East. “Their crowd and their student section was huge. And so it was really fun to feed off the energy because our own teammates stepped up and there was only like, 30 of us but we were loud and we were, you know, yelling back and forth at each other like friendly,” Cissell said. The girls know how to work together and keep up the positive energy to make all their games a success, win or lose.