An Unexpected Result From Nationals

The cheer team poses with their recently won trophy. The team ended 2nd out of 56 teams in the Medium varsity D1 division. “Knowing the next season we have to take everything to the next level with perfecting our routine, and coming together as a team to achieve the end goal of bringing home a National title is the goal in mind,” junior Kaylie Scott said.

Natalie McGarry, Editor-in-Chief


The team ended 2nd out of 56 teams in the Medium Varsity D1 division.

Every cheer season ends at Nationals and it’s what every cheerleader looks forward to. This season, our cheer team placed 2nd. This unexpected placement is pushing our cheer team to do better next season. 

Nationals is what every season leads up to and what the team spends so much time preparing for. “I think we were all very nervous knowing finals is the last chance we have to put our routine out there to be judged,” junior Kaylie Scott said. This is the last performance the team has to prove themselves until the next season starts. Nationals can be a lot of pressure on a team, especially having won many the years before.

The placement was unexpected to the team after being Nationals Champions for the past three seasons. The cheerleaders are trying to take away as much as they can from this placement even if they’re disappointed. “Self-growth was definitely taken away from this trip. Being able to accept that not everyone can win all the time and other teams work just as hard as we do for a winning title,” Scott said. Even if it’s hard for the team to have the best attitude, they’re trying to not think too much about it. It’s harder for the seniors since this is their last season but they’re also trying to keep a good mindset about the outcome. “You won’t always win and that’s okay. Of course, it’s hard to accept but it builds a lot of character in how you are as an athlete and a person,” senior Carly Snellen said.

Although some of the team is being lost because of the seniors, the rest of the team is still feeling confident for next year. “From here on out for the program, this just gives us some motivation to go even harder next year, harder work, and we have a title to fight for next season,” Scott said. Nationals was an unexpected way for the team’s season to end but they’re ready to come back better than ever next year.